We also use cygwin on Windows to compile Amber tools.  Chimera 1.9 is old, we're getting ready to release 1.11.  Currently we're using Amber tools 15.  If you go to https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/sourcecode.html, and click on Chimera SVN repository, you can browse to what we're currently using.  The patches we use are in the *.patch files.  You can see in the GNUmakefile which parts we build and which parts are installed.  Feel free to clean up our patches and submit them to ambermd.org.  We should champion them ourselves, but our focus is on Chimera's replacement right now.



On 06/21/2016 12:32 PM, Abhilash J wrote:

Dear all!

     I am interested in compiling Amber tools for windows. I tried compiling it from the source code from AMBER website. I was successful for linux and cygwin, But i could not get it to work for windows environment. Few days back i came across chimera. You were able to compile and run the Amber tools code on windows environment. I downloaded and compiled the Amber tools part from the foreign section of the source code. I was unable to get it running on my machine. Also the version was old. In fact i looked at  chimera 1.9, it is currently using amber tools 12.  
    I believe the compile might have to do something with cygwin environment and mingw cross platform build. I think there should be patches which help in this build. I am unaware of them.  I might be wrong too.
    All my efforts till now have not yielded a working code on windows.Please let me know what all will be required to compile amber tools on windows, and how i can compile it.
    I will be grateful if you could help me or point me to the right direction.
    Thanking you.


Abhilash Jayaraj
Research Scholar
Dept. of Chemistry
IIT Delhi
New Delhi

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