I’ve been asked to approve installation of Chimera in one of our labs, and I was hoping that you might have documentation on your development processes and policies such that I can feel comfortable installing your app in our environment.  I have searched but not found documentation related to OWASP or other dev standards, or any assessments that may have been run.  Would you have information available? 


Thank you in advance,


Mike Hart  | Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Information Technology Services

Campus Box 96, P.O. Box 173362, Denver, CO 80217-3362
Admin Building - 1201 5th Street 480M  Denver, CO 80204 
303-615-0541 (Office)
303-352-7548 (Help Desk)
mhart20@msudenver.edu | www.msudenver.edu/technology