
I've been doing different scripts in python for chimera UCSF, but recently I'm having problems using the raw_input() function. I've been using this functions for a long time and I haven't had any problem until now. The error I have when using it is:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/users/victor/Desktop/Doctorat/Python/Scripts/rmsd_aro_screen.py", line 51, in <module>
  File "/users/victor/bin/chimera/lib/python2.6/idlelib/PyShell.py", line 1007, in readline
    self.top.mainloop()  # nested mainloop()
  File "/users/victor/bin/chimera/share/Idle/__init__.py", line 82, in mainloop
NameError: global name 'origListedTopLevel' is not defined

I don't know where the error comes from, but I have the same error in both mi computer and my laptop.

Thanks for all in advance.

Kind regards,

Victor Muņoz Robles
