Hi Lars,
The model attributes for the ID are ‘id’/‘subid’ for the parts before and after any ‘.’ respectively, and the ‘name’ attribute has the model name.  You would loop through all volume models with something like:

from chimera import openModels
from VolumeViewer import Volume
for vol in openModels.list(modelTypes=[Volume]):
print “%d.%d %s” % (vol.id, vol.subid, vol.name)

We realize the programmer documentation isn’t great.  What little we have you can find here: https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/ProgrammersGuide/index.html .  One of our objectives for ChimeraX is much better programmer documentation.


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Mar 6, 2019, at 10:40 AM, Lars Hangartner <lhangart@scripps.edu> wrote:

Hi guys,

I am desperately looking to get the model_id / model name from all open volume objects. I have tried openModel.list()[0].model_id  in many iterations but no success… I would like to iterate through models and identify the resampled ones.

Can anybody help?



P.S: API documentation would really be helpful.

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