Hi JD,
I think you're right:  closing a session should clear saved positions.  In tomorrow's build that's what will happen.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Jul 22, 2009, at 4:20 AM, Jean Didier Pie Marechal wrote:

Dear all,

I see that when I close a session, the savepos list continues containing the poses I defined for my anterior session. May be that is something you want to have this way, but I was wondering if the savepos (with an option for example) could list only the poses for the working session.

All the best,

Dr. Jean-Didier Maréchal
Computational Biotechnological Chemistry @ Transmet
Unitat de Química Física
Departament de Química
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici C.n.
08193 Cerdanyola (Barcelona)
Tel: +34.935814936
e-mail: JeanDidier.Marechal@uab.es

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