Dear Tom,
I hope you are well. I have a general question/issue regarding the Chimera user interface that I wanted to discuss with you.
The Chimera GUI user interface is extremely intuitive and well done, but I was wondering if it would be possible to beef up the command-line user interface? For example, it would be nice if there was tab completion within the command-line interface For example, if a user typed "mat" and then a tab, the command line could show "match", "matchmaker", "matrixcopy" ,""matrixget", and "matrixset". Other features could include a more robust history search, for example.
These kind of things are implemented in other command-line interfaces for other resources, such as Bash, iPython, and Rstudio.
This is something that I was thinking of doing myself to make my work more efficient, except that I don't know where to begin from a programatic perspective. Are there any files/directories or things I should know about how the command-line works internally in Chimera that would help for implementing this? Is there a point person at RBVI I could contact to ask questions regarding this? I need to generally know more about the internal guts of the CLI of Chimera before beginning.
Of course, if I produce something useful, I will share it with you so you can share it with the general Chimera community.
Joshua Broyde