On May 3, 2010, at 1:55 PM, christopher lau wrote:


I have developed a Tiled Wall Display Extension for ViewDock in Chimera.  I was in contact with Greg and Tom during the summer regarding development of the extension.

According to the Chimera license agreement it states that we need to contact the developers directly and seek permission to distribute files that modify the original Chimera source code.  Can we receive permission to allow our code to be publicly available via our website?

P.S. I did not release the URL of our website on this list-serv because we haven't received official approval from Chimera.

Best Regards,

Christopher Lau
UCSD, Department of Bioengineering 

Hi Chris,
I can't imagine it won't be okay, but nonetheless could you list which files from Chimera you'll make available?  The basic intent of that part of the license is to protect us from someone taking Chimera, modifying two lines of code, and then posting the whole thing as "new".  Taking a smallish part of Chimera and adding a significant improvement, like you did, is something we want to encourage.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab
