Dear Chimera developer,

I would like to perform the same operation on multiple files and I know that this can be done using a loop. However, I am not sure how to write the corresponding command or script. Therefore, could you please help me by writing a script that can perform the following operation? I have installed the 64-bit version of Chimera Headless Linux on my Windows subsystem.

Thank you very much for your help!



File-> open -> abc.pdb

Select-> structure->ligand

Actions-> delete

File->save PDB->rec_noH.PDB


Tools ->structure editing->write dms->


Tools ->structure editing->Dock prep->rec_charged.mol2 ##select the parameter of Unspecified(determined by method)


File-> open -> abc.pdb

Select-> structure->ligand

Select-> invert (all models)

Actions-> delete

File->save mol2->ligand_site.mol2



Mingsong Wu