Hi Eric and Elaine,

Thank you so much for your valuable suggestions and time. I am trying out the scripts as per your advice. I have a slight change here. Instead of looking at the PDB IDs, I am looking at the ".pdb1" files. These are the biological units of the PDB files. 

So I have a folder with about 400 ".pdb1" files. For each structure, I am trying to write atomic areaSAS and atomic Bfactor values. So far I have updated my script as attached in this mail based on your inputs. I am able to get these values for the ".pdb1" file it is reading in the end, but not for all the proteins. Also, is there a way it writes out the PDB ID in the 1st column along with the corresponding values in the next columns? 

I am aiming to get all these values into a single file, which leads me to another issue of file size. So is there a way python can be connected to SQL Server and to write these values for each ".pdb1" structure directly into the SQL database?

Kindly advise on this. I really appreciate your help with regards to my issues.

Thanks in advance,

On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 7:41 PM, Eric Pettersen <pett@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
Hi Navya,
This later mail of yours provides some additional details that help.  So for one thing you might also want to look at the Programmer's Examples (Examples), particularly the first one ("Chimera's Object Model").  At any rate, the obvious problem with the script you have so far is that you haven't defined the 'residues' variable.  Let's say you are trying to work with residues 50.A, 55.A, and 70.A.  Here's a little code snippet that will get those residues into the 'residues' variable once you've opened your structure:

rc("sel :50.a:55.a:70.a")
from chimera.selection import currentResidues
residues = currentResidues()

Now, I don't know where you're storing your lists of residues.  Are they in the same file as the IDs?  A separate file?  I don't know if you need more help with that or not.

So once you have the residues, then printing the atomic surface areas and bfactors is:

for r in residues:
for a in r.atoms:
print>>outf, a, a.areaSAS, a.bfactor

Getting the CASTp information is another whole can of worms however, since Chimera stores that info in the CASTp dialog rather than with the atoms and residues.  Nonetheless, once you've got the rest of your script working you could try to do that part.  In would involve copying the processCastpID function from CASTp/__init__.py (in your Chimera installation's 'share' folder) and deleting the last two lines and instead return the cavity list.  Each CastpCavity instance has 'mouthInfo' and 'pocketInfo' attributes which are dictionaries that have an 'atoms' key.  The value for the 'atoms' key is a chimera.selection.ItemizedSelection instance.  You can use the contains() method of those ItemizedSelections to see if a particular atom is in the ItemizedSelection.  The pocketInfo dictionary also has 'SA volume' and 'MS volume' keys you can use to get the desired volume info.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Apr 16, 2014, at 12:44 PM, Navya Shilpa Josyula <njosyu2@uic.edu> wrote:


I need a help in chimera scripting. I have text file with list of PDB IDs and corresponding residue list. I am trying to write a chimera command which will scan this file, open each PDB ID and select the corresponding residues listed in the file. After selecting, it should write out the values of atomic areaSAS, atomic Bfactor and which atom belong to CASTp identified pockets (with pocket volume). I know I am asking a lot here but I am new to chimera scripting and I searched the users mailing list and found the "looping" script,

but it is not working for me. Attached is the script I have till now. 

Please help me on this. 

Thank you in advance,
import os
from chimera import runCommand as rc # use 'rc' as shorthand for runCommand
from chimera import replyobj # for emitting status messages

# change to folder with data files
os.chdir("C:/Users/Navya Shilpa/Desktop/thesis/All_Proteins/nonred")

# open file of PDB IDs
f = open("C:/Users/Navya Shilpa/Desktop/thesis/All_Proteins/nonred/nr-list.txt", 'r')

# loop through the IDs, opening, processing, and closing each in turn
for line in f:
pdbID = line.strip()
replyobj.status("Processing " + pdbID) # show what PDB we're working on
rc("open " + pdbID)
rc("surf") # surface receptor
outf = open(pdbID, "w")
for r in residues:
print>>outf, r, r.areaSAS
rc("close all")
# uncommenting the line below will cause Chimera to exit when the script is done
#rc("stop now")
# note that indentation is significant in Python; the fact that
# the above command is exdented means that it is executed after
# the loop completes, whereas the indented commands that 
# preceded it are executed as part of the loop.