Hello Elaine,

Thank you for the quick response. I'll check the info to find a way to do it. Just one more thing. Is there a manner to know when the map has been moved? Just to not resampling it each time needlessly.

Thank you!


El 25-04-2017 18:21, Elaine Meng escribió:

Hi Pablo,
The map format doesn't include rotation information.  You would have to resample it on a new grid to create a new map, such as with command "vop resample"... details here on saving maps after fitting (bottom of the page):


I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Apr 25, 2017, at 2:24 AM, Pablo Solar Rodríguez <pablo.solar@delogica.com> wrote:
Hello Tom,
Thank you for your quick response. I've checked the code in my plugin and the PDB saving works fine as I expected, even if I move the molecule.

My question is about saving the map. I tried to move it (rotate&translate unchecking the 'A' in the ModelPanel) and then save it with this code, but when I open the saved map, it is similar to the original one and does not keep the new coordinates. This could be a problem in my plugin, because I need to save them case of moving to get correct results in the fitting process.

So, how can I handle this situation? Is there any other way for saving the new map coordinates in the same way the PDB saving does? Hope I have explained myself correctly.
Thank you in advance and kind regards,