Dear all, I tried yesterday's build on windows and tested the solvation plugin. I had a first crash that reply log message I give here: command: ['C:\\Archivos de programa\\Chimera\\bin\\amber10\\exe\\sleap', '-f', 'd:\\docume~1\\jean\\config~1\\temp\\tmp7wpvvm\\solvate.cmd'] Running sleap command: C:\Archivos de programa\Chimera\bin\amber10\exe\sleap -f d:\docume~1\jean\config~1\temp\tmp7wpvvm\solvate.cmd Failure running sleap Check reply log for details Running C:\Archivos de programa\Chimera\bin\amber10\exe\sleap alone, I saw that cygwin1.dll was missing. So I installed it in the same directory. Then came a second crash: tempDir: d:\docume~1\jean\config~1\temp\tmp6m0sm0 command: ['C:\\Archivos de programa\\Chimera\\bin\\amber10\\exe\\sleap', '-f', 'd:\\docume~1\\jean\\config~1\\temp\\tmp6m0sm0\\solvate.cmd'] Running sleap command: C:\Archivos de programa\Chimera\bin\amber10\exe\sleap -f d:\docume~1\jean\config~1\temp\tmp6m0sm0\solvate.cmd (solvate) [gtkleap]$ source leaprc.ff03 (solvate) Error: can not find file leaprc.ff03 in all the search path. Failure running sleap Check reply log for details Though I located the leaprc.ff03 file in another directory and copied it in the running one, I can not pass over this problem. All the best! JD *************************************************** Dr. Jean-Didier Maréchal Lecturer Computational Bioorganic and Bioionorganic Chemistry @ Transmet Unitat de Química Física Departament de Química Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Edifici C.n. 08193 Cerdanyola (Barcelona) Tel: +34.935814936 e-mail: