Thanks Elaine. I meant the framerate of the molecular movie not the movie that I'm recording. In the molecular movie window, there's a slider that goes from slow to fast. I want to be able to control the speed from the command line as well.

Coordset plays the frames from 1 to 21 at the fastest speed. I tried to experiment with the perframe command but couldn't quite get it right. How can I use perframe to play the movie and introduce a wait of a few milliseconds in between frames thus controlling the speed of the molecular movie?

Best regards. 

On Wed, Sep 26, 2018, 5:19 PM Elaine Meng <> wrote:
Hi Ahmad,
Sorry no.  However, in general movie framerate is not the same as when you are running Chimera, and movie framerate can be controlled with the framerate option of the “movie encode” command.

In our newer program ChimeraX (where most development effort is now), “coordset” does have a “pauseFrames” option to slow down playback:
… but it is not implemented in Chimera “coordset”:

In Chimera. other than just having a slower movie framerate as mentioned above, to show the morph more slowly you would need to create the morph trajectory with more frames.

I hope this helps,

> On Sep 26, 2018, at 10:46 AM, Ahmad Khalifa <> wrote:
> Thank you so much, is there a way to set the frame speed with coordset?