Please use Chimera's Help / Report a Bug dialog to file this as a
bug, and, if possible, give the PDB id of the 80S ribosome you are
trying to view. That will tell us about your computer and the size
of the structure you're trying to view, and that will enable us to
give a better answer.
So, my guess it that you are trying view a structure that is too big
for your computer to handle quickly. So the solution would be to
increase the physical memory. You may also need a graphics card
with more memory. Another possibility is that you are reading in
the structure using the mmCIF reader -- in Chimera, the mmCIF reader
is slow and the solution is to use the PDB format version. Our
Chimera successor, ChimeraX, reads mmCIF files very quickly and can
handle large files with ease. Unfortunately, ChimeraX is not yet
On 03/17/2016 03:15 AM,
Opening a model of the 80S ribosome takes about 30
minutes on my computer (chimera version 1.10.2 build
40686). Is it normal? Is there any way to speed up this
step (for example, can the task be parallelized)?
Thanks in advance
Institute of Anatomy
University of Bern
Baltzerstrasse 2
Postfach 922
3000 Bern 9
+41 31 631 84 40
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