function [Data] = tom_emread(em_name,form,nr,area) % TOM_EMREAD reads data in EM-file format % % Reads an EM-Image File (V-Format) % a raw format with a 512 Byte Header. % If no header was provided in EMWRITE % the header information will be % abandoned in EMREAD. % That way data can be saved % and loaded without providing a header % but with compatible file-format to EM. % The keyword 'subregion' followed by a 3D vector % and a subregion 3D vector reads only a subregion % from a 3D volume. Only supported for floats and int16 % in 3D. % % % Structure of EM-Data Files: % -Byte 1: Machine Coding: Machine: Value: % OS-9 0 % VAX 1 % Convex 2 % SGI 3 % Sun 4 (not supported) % Mac 5 % PC 6 % -Byte 2: General purpose. On OS-9 system: 0 old version 1 is new version % -Byte 3: Not used in standard EM-format, if this byte is 1 the header is abandoned. % -Byte 4: Data Type Coding: Image Type: No. of Bytes: Value: % byte 1 1 % short 2 2 % long int 4 4 % float 4 5 % complex 8 8 % double 8 9 % -Three long integers (3x4 bytes) are image size in x, y, z Dimension % -80 Characters as comment % -40 long integers (4 x 40 bytes) are user defined parameters % -256 Byte with userdata, first 20 chars username, 8 chars date (i.e.03/02/03) % -Raw data following with the x variable as the fastest dimension, then y and z % % -The parameters are coded as follwing: % No. | Name | Value | Factor | Comment % 1 U Volt 1000 accelerating voltage % 2 COE mm 1000 Cs of objective lense % 3 APE mrad 1000 aperture % 4 VE x 1 end magnification % 5 VN 1000 1000 postmagnification of CCD (fixed value:1000!) % 6 ET s 1000 exposure time in seconds % 7 OBJ nm 1000 pixelsize in object-plane % 8 EM 1 EM-Code: % EM420=1;CM12=2;CM200=3; % CM120/Biofilter=4;CM300=5; % Polara=6;extern=0; % 9 CCD µm 1000 physical pixelsize on CCD % 10 L µm 1000 phys_pixel_size * nr_of_pixels % 11 DF Angstr. 1 defocus, underfocus is neg. % 12 FA Angstr. 1 astigmatism % 13 PHI deg 1000 angle of astigmatism % 14 DDF Angstr. 1 focusincr. for focus-series % 15 CTS - 1000 counts per primary electron, sensitivity of CCD % 16 C2 - 1000 intensity value of C2 % 17 EW eV 1 0 for no slit, x>0 for positive slitwidth % 18 EO eV 1 energy offset from zero-loss % 19 KW deg 1000 tiltangle % 20 KR deg 1000 tiltaxis % 21 - Angstr. 1 % 22 SC ASCII 1 % 23 - - - % 24 - pixel 1 markerposition X % 25 - pixel 1 markerposition Y % 26 - Angstr. 1000 internal: resolution % 27 - - - internal: density % 28 - - - internal: contrast % 29 - - - internal: unknown % 30 SP - 1000 mass centre X % 31 SP - 1000 mass centre Y % 32 SP - 1000 mass centre Z % 33 H - 1000 height % 34 - - 1000 internal: unknown % 35 D1 - 1000 width 'Dreistrahlbereich' % 36 D2 - 1000 width 'Achrom. Ring' % 37 - - 1 internal: lambda % 38 - - 1 internal: delta theta % 39 - - 1 internal: unknown % 40 - - 1 internal: unknown % % % Syntax: % [Data] = tom_emread(em_name) % Input: % em_name: Filename % Output: % Data: Structure of Image Data % Data.Value: Raw data of image, or stack % Data.Header: Header information % % Example: % i=tom_emread; % a fileselect-box appears and the EM-file can be picked % % i=tom_emread('Proj.em'); % % i=tom_emread('HPIEMV','subregion',[102 162 1],[23 29 0]); % reads a subregion starting from position (102, 162,1) of an image % and gives back an image of size (23,29). Alternative to read % whole volume and reduce by % redi=i.Value(102:124,162:190). % % i=tom_emread('TRIPODV','subregion',[14 17 19],[19 16 9]); % reads a subregion starting from position (14,17,19) in the volume % and gives back a volume of size (19,16,9). Alternative to read % whole volume and reduce by redi=i.Value(14:33,17:33,19:28); % % See Also % TOM_EMWRITE, TOM_EMHEADER, TOM_READEMHEADER % % 09/23/02 SN % last change 12/03/04 FF - bug fixed: fclose OUTSIDE 'if's % % Copyright (c) 2004 % TOM toolbox for Electron Tomography % Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry % Dept. Molecular Structural Biology % 82152 Martinsried, Germany % error(nargchk(0,4,nargin)) if nargin <1 form='standard'; nr=1; [filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.em;*.vol';'*.*'}, 'Pick an EM-file'); if isequal(filename,0) | isequal(pathname,0) disp('No data loaded.'); return; end; em_name=[pathname filename]; end; if nargin <3 form='standard'; nr=1; end; % if nargin <1 error(['Filename not specified (e.g. emread(''c:\Data.em'')']); end; emtype=cellstr(['extern '; 'EM420 '; 'CM12 '; 'CM200 '; 'CM120/Biofilter'; 'CM300 '; 'Polara ']); % EM420=1;CM12=2;CM200=3; % CM120/Biofilter=4;CM300=5; % Polara=6;extern=0; % open the stream with the correct format ! fid = fopen(em_name,'r','ieee-be'); if fid==-1 error(['Cannot open: ' em_name ' file']); end; magic = fread(fid,[4],'char'); fclose(fid); % reads the header % % description in 'The Structure of the EM-Data Files', Herr Hegerl % and at the bottom of this file % read the Header if (magic(1)==3 | magic(1)==0 | magic(1)==5) fid = fopen(em_name,'r','ieee-be'); % for SGI or OS-9 or Mac else fid = fopen(em_name,'r','ieee-le'); % for PC end; magic = fread(fid,[4],'char'); image_size = fread(fid,[3],'int32'); comment = char(fread(fid,[80],'char')); parameter = fread(fid,[40],'int32'); fillup = char(fread(fid,[256],'char')); % the size of the image xdim = image_size(1); ydim = image_size(2); zdim = image_size(3); if isequal(form,'standard') Data_read=zeros(xdim,ydim,zdim); if magic(4)==1 for lauf=1:zdim Data_read(:,:,lauf) = fread(fid,[xdim,ydim],'char'); end; elseif magic(4)==2 for lauf=1:zdim Data_read(:,:,lauf) = fread(fid,[xdim,ydim],'int16'); end; elseif magic(4)==4 for lauf=1:zdim Data_read(:,:,lauf) = fread(fid,[xdim,ydim],'long'); end; elseif magic(4)==5 for lauf=1:zdim Data_read(:,:,lauf) = fread(fid,[xdim,ydim],'float'); end; elseif magic(4)==8 for lauf=1:zdim waitbar(lauf./zdim); Data_read(:,:,lauf) = fread(fid,[xdim,ydim],'float64'); end; else disp('Sorry, i cannot read this as an EM-File !!!'); Data_read=[]; end; elseif isequal(form,'subregion') readsize_x=nr(1)+area(1); readsize_y=nr(2)+area(2); readsize_z=nr(3)+area(3); if readsize_x>xdim | readsize_y>ydim | readsize_z>zdim % error(['Subregion dimensions larger than volume dimensions.']); area_intended(1)=area(1); area_intended(2)=area(2); area_intended(3)=area(3); area(1)=xdim-nr(1); area(2)=ydim-nr(2); area(3)=zdim-nr(3); end; Data_read=zeros(area(1)+1,area(2)+1,area(3)+1); Data_read_xy=zeros(area(1)+1,area(2)+1); image_size(1)=area(1)+1; image_size(2)=area(2)+1; image_size(3)=area(3)+1; ilaufx=0; ilaufz=0; if magic(4)==1 for lauf=nr(3):area(3)+1 tmp = fread(fid,[nr(2):nr(2)+area(2),nr(1):nr(1)+area(1)],'char'); Data_read(:,:,lauf) = tmp(nr(2):(nr(2)+area(2)),nr(1):(nr(1)+area(1))); end; elseif magic(4)==2 fseek_merker=0; fseek(fid,2*(nr(1)-1),0); fseek(fid,2*(xdim*(nr(2)-1)),0); fseek(fid,2*(ydim*xdim*(nr(3)-1)),0); for lauf=nr(3):nr(3)+area(3) for laufy=nr(2):(nr(2)+area(2)) ilaufx=ilaufx+1; tmp = fread(fid,[area(1)+1],'int16'); Data_read_xy(:,ilaufx)=tmp; fseek(fid,2*(xdim-area(1)-1),0); fseek_merker=fseek_merker+xdim; end; ilaufx=0; ilaufz=ilaufz+1; Data_read(:,:,ilaufz) = Data_read_xy; fseek(fid,2*(ydim*xdim-fseek_merker),0); fseek_merker=0; end; elseif magic(4)==4 for lauf=1:area(3)+1 tmp = fread(fid,[ydim,xdim],'long'); Data_read(:,:,lauf) = tmp(nr(2):(nr(2)+area(2)),nr(1):(nr(1)+area(1))); end; elseif magic(4)==5 fseek_merker=0; fseek(fid,4*(nr(1)-1),0); fseek(fid,4*(xdim*(nr(2)-1)),0); fseek(fid,4*(ydim*xdim*(nr(3)-1)),0); for lauf=nr(3):nr(3)+area(3) for laufy=nr(2):(nr(2)+area(2)) ilaufx=ilaufx+1; tmp = fread(fid,[area(1)+1],'float'); Data_read_xy(:,ilaufx)=tmp; fseek(fid,4*(xdim-area(1)-1),0); fseek_merker=fseek_merker+xdim; end; ilaufx=0; ilaufz=ilaufz+1; Data_read(:,:,ilaufz) = Data_read_xy; fseek(fid,4*(ydim*xdim-fseek_merker),0); fseek_merker=0; end; elseif magic(4)==8 for lauf=1:area(3)+1 tmp = fread(fid,[ydim,xdim],'float64'); Data_read(:,:,lauf) = tmp(nr(2):(nr(2)+area(2)),nr(1):(nr(1)+area(1)))'; end; else disp('Sorry, i cannot read this as an EM-File !!!'); Data_read=[]; end; if readsize_x~=nr(1)+area(1) | readsize_y~=nr(2)+area(2) | readsize_z~=nr(3)+area(3) Data_read_intended=zeros(area_intended(1)+1,area_intended(2)+1,area_intended(3)+1); Data_read_intended=tom_paste(Data_read_intended,Data_read,[1 1]); Data_read=Data_read_intended; end; end; fclose(fid); % bug fixed FF if parameter(8)<0 || parameter(8)>6 parameter(8)=0;end; if findstr(em_name,'\') filename=em_name(max(findstr(em_name,'\'))+1:size(em_name,2)); pathname=em_name(1:max(findstr(em_name,'\'))); else filename=em_name; pathname=[pwd '\']; end if magic(3)==1; Data=Data_read; else EM=struct('Magic',magic,'Size',image_size,'Comment',comment,'Parameter',parameter,'Fillup',fillup); Header=struct(... 'Voltage',parameter(1),... 'Cs',parameter(2)./1000,... 'Aperture',parameter(3),... 'Magnification',parameter(4),... 'Postmagnification',parameter(5)./1000,... 'Exposuretime',parameter(6)./1000,... 'Objectpixelsize',parameter(7)./1000,... 'Microscope',emtype(parameter(8)+1),... 'Pixelsize',parameter(9)./1000,... 'CCDArea',parameter(10)./1000,... 'Defocus',parameter(11),... 'Astigmatism',parameter(12),... 'AstigmatismAngle',parameter(13)./1000,... 'FocusIncrement',parameter(14)./1000,... 'CountsPerElectron',parameter(15)./1000,... 'Intensity',parameter(16)./1000,... 'EnergySlitwidth',parameter(17),... 'EnergyOffset',parameter(18),... 'Tiltangle',parameter(19)./1000,... 'Tiltaxis',parameter(20)./1000,... 'Marker_X',parameter(24),... 'Marker_Y',parameter(25),... 'Username',num2str(fillup(1:20)),... 'Date',num2str(fillup(21:28)),... 'Filename',filename,... 'Pathname',pathname,... 'Magic',magic,'Size',image_size,'Comment',comment,'Parameter',parameter,'Fillup',fillup,'EM',EM); Data=struct('Value',Data_read,'Header',Header); end; clear Data_read; clear tmp;