On Jul 9, 2007, at 6:39 AM, Morgan Ryan wrote:
Is it possible to write a selection string that will select all the phytol substituents in a model? I'm looking at photosystem II. I would like to select all the phytol side chains of the many chlorophyll molecules and hide them, so that only the porphyrin-like chlorin ring structures are visible. Can that be done? Thanks! Morgan
Hi Morgan, I think the only direct way is to use the command line (Favorites-
Command Line). This command should do it:
~disp :cla@c=; disp :cla@c?a,c?b,c?c,c?d It undisplays all the carbons in the chlorophyll (:cla@c=) and then redisplays the carbons involved in the porphyrin ring (all of which have 3-letter names that end in A-D). You might want to consider posing Chimera-specific questions to the Chimera users mailing list (chimera-users@cgl.ucsf.edu) since there will be more people able to answer there. --Eric Eric Pettersen UCSF Computer Graphics Lab pett@cgl.ucsf.edu http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu