Hi Jinmin,
It looks like the CASTp server has moved from std-fw.bioengr.uic.edu to cast.engr.uic.edu.  I have changed Chimera's source code to use the new address and the change will be in tonight's daily build.  So you could wait for that or, if you are comfortable changing Python source code, edit <your Chimera installation>/share/CASTP/ChimeraExtension.py and gui.py and change all occurrences of "std-fw.bioengr" to "cast.engr".  The fix will also be in the 1.10.1 release when we make that.


                        Eric Pettersen
                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Dec 18, 2014, at 6:51 AM, Lei Jinmin <jinmin.lei@aalto.fi> wrote:


I have to use CASTp tool for research sake, but I can't open the site anymore( http://sts-fw.bioengr.uic.edu/castp/index.php ). I remember it worked a couple of weeks ago.  Does anyboday know when it begins working again?   Thank you in advance!

Jinmin Lei

Researh assitant
Aalto University, Finland

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