On Mar 5, 2008, at 8:28 AM, Kristina Furse wrote:

You are correct in your assessment--I don't know Python, but I do know Perl so I

just wanted to use Perl to produce a line by line Chimera script that would do

some zooms and rotations, writing POV files (actually x3d files that I'll

translate into POV files in a later step), then flow straight into an MD movie,

writing POV files for each frame. No worries--I'm sure I can figure out how to

do a per-frame Python script that will write an x3d file with a unique name for

each trajectory frame. It just made more sense to me the other way around.

Unless you are going to process many trajectories, the easiest approach I think is for you to write your Perl script to handle the initial zoom/rotation part, then to switch to MD Movie's per-frame scripting for the rest.  You don't have to use Python for the per-frame scripting, you can use regular Chimera commands.  As mentioned in the per-frame dialog, the string "<FRAME>" in commands will be substituted with the current frame number, so it should be easy to produce uniquely-named files.
