Hi Ben,

  You can set multiple solid rendering thresholds with the volume command, for example,

vol #0 style solid level .5,0 level 1.5,1

For solid style the level is two numbers, the first being the density map value and the second is from 0 to 1 indicating the brightness (and also opacity).  To specify more than one level you repeat the option.


On Dec 14, 2015, at 2:13 PM, <benoit.zuber@ana.unibe.ch> <benoit.zuber@ana.unibe.ch> wrote:


I would like to add several threshold markers for volume solid rendering. I would like to do it in a script. I guess the only way is to do it through a python script.
I tried modifying the solid_levels and solid_colors attributes of the active volume but I could not find how I can then get the depending volume attributes, such as transfer_function and the gui (both rendered volume and the volume viewer dialog) to be correctly updated. Could anyone please give me a few pointers?

Thanks in advance
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