Thank you Elaine and Tom,

Elaine, even after changing the .py and restarting chimera, the model points won't open... But thank you for the help anyway.
Tom, I will wait for tomorrow to download ChimeraX, thanks!


On Sat, 12 Dec 2020 at 19:11, Tom Goddard <> wrote:
Hi Luiza,

Our newer program ChimeraX can read points from imod files.  You have to open it with the "contours true" option, for example,

        open ~/Desktop/particles.imod contours true


I just tested it and it gave an error.  I fixed the code so tonight's ChimeraX build will be able to read IMOD points and contour lines.  The daily builds are below the releases on the download page


> On Dec 12, 2020, at 3:33 AM, Luiza Mendonça <> wrote:
> Good morning,
> Is it possible to open IMOD .mod file in chimera?
> I am trying to do so, and I select the IMOD .mod file in the pop-up window asking about the file type, but nothing is showing up (blue initial chimera window unchanged), even though the log states 'finished opening file'.
> My .mod file is just XYZ scattered points. Do I need to do any conversion before being able to open it?
> I appreciate any help.
> Best,
> Luiza Mendonca
> Zhang Lab
> University of Oxford
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