Following are steps I followed: load the structure> del H > run Dock Prep(Add Hydrogen - ticked, Write Mol2 - unticked) > del :10.P@h :8.T@h > minimize (while deselecting the add hydrogen option)
I got a warning that I am not sure about. I am pasting the log below[1], can you please confirm that I followed the correct steps and warning can be ignored in the log.
Model 0 (7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb) appears to be a protein without secondary structure assignments.
Automatically computing assignments using 'ksdssp' and parameter values:
energy cutoff -0.5
minimum helix length 3
minimum strand length 3
Use command 'help ksdssp' for more information.
Model 0 (7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb) appears to be a protein without secondary structure assignments.
Automatically computing assignments using 'ksdssp' and parameter values:
energy cutoff -0.5
minimum helix length 3
minimum strand length 3
Use command 'help ksdssp' for more information.
Residues with incomplete side chains:
LYS 98.A
ASP 100.A
ASP 218.A
ASP 824.A
GLU 50.C
Replacing each by 'swapaa same (residue atom spec) lib Dunbrack preserve True'
LYS 98.A: phi -78.3, psi 128.2 trans
Chi angles for LYS 98.A:
ASP 100.A: phi -70.1, psi -6.8 trans
Chi angles for ASP 100.A:
ASP 218.A: phi -127.8, psi 120.9 trans
Chi angles for ASP 218.A:
ASP 824.A: phi -92.0, psi 1.6 trans
Chi angles for ASP 824.A:
GLU 50.C: phi -60.9, psi -45.8 trans
Chi angles for GLU 50.C:
Applying LYS rotamer (chi angles: -62.5 -75.3 99.0 -88.6) to LYS 98.A
Applying ASP rotamer (chi angles: -67.2 -26.9) to ASP 824.A
Applying ASP rotamer (chi angles: -70.6 -17.9) to ASP 100.A
Applying GLU rotamer (chi angles: -170.8 -83.2 -29.7) to GLU 50.C
Applying ASP rotamer (chi angles: -175.9 -11.3) to ASP 218.A
No SEQRES records for 7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb (#0) chain A; guessing terminii instead
No SEQRES records for 7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb (#0) chain C; guessing terminii instead
No SEQRES records for 7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb (#0) chain P; guessing terminii instead
No SEQRES records for 7bv2_nsp12-7.pdb (#0) chain T; guessing terminii instead
Chain-initial residues that are actual N terminii: VAL 31.A, LYS 2.C, G 10.P, U 8.T
Chain-initial residues that are not actual N terminii:
Chain-final residues that are actual C terminii: U 20.P, C 21.T
Chain-final residues that are not actual C terminii: THR 929.A, GLY 64.C
856 hydrogen bonds
Removing spurious proton from 'C' of THR 929.A
Removing spurious proton from 'C' of GLY 64.C
Hydrogens added
Charge model: AMBER ff14SB
Non-standard atom names:
G H (G 10.P H)
U H (U 8.T H)
Total charge for #0: -30.384
The following residues had non-integral charges:
U 20.P -0.6919
C 21.T -0.6919
Correct charges are unknown for 2 non-standard atom names in otherwise standard residues
Charges of 0.0 were assigned to the unknown atoms
1 model(s) had non-integral total charge
Details in reply log
No incomplete side chains
Charge model: AMBER ff14SB
Total charge for #0: -30.384
The following residues had non-integral charges:
U 20.P -0.6919
C 21.T -0.6919
1 model(s) had non-integral total charge
Details in reply log
Using main parameter file parm10.dat modified by heme-iron.frcmod, frcmod.ff14SB, frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p
Initial energy: -45283.236153 kJ/mol
Step 12
Potential energy: -58447.379716, Gradient norm: 758.031360
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.037342
Finished 10 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -64213.179928, Gradient norm: 362.328469
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.018132
Finished 20 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -65930.345155, Gradient norm: 417.614654
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.012606
Finished 30 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -67901.748990, Gradient norm: 190.328174
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.010435
Finished 40 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -68928.640793, Gradient norm: 79.670023
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.007430
Finished 50 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -70504.551913, Gradient norm: 192.974949
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.016225
Finished 60 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -71243.383589, Gradient norm: 95.907393
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.006255
Finished 70 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -71661.708391, Gradient norm: 193.911209
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.006283
Finished 80 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -72255.311758, Gradient norm: 199.037193
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.007288
Finished 90 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -72873.927407, Gradient norm: 84.768251
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.005517
Finished 100 of 100 steepest descent minimization steps
Step 12
Potential energy: -79350.452189, Gradient norm: 206.369396
Updated 15035 atoms. RMSD: 0.114423
Finished 10 of 10 conjugate gradient minimization steps