Hi Elaine,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply!
I guess you are right although Amira suggests different file formats to open a given file including .MRC, this is why I found it strange Amira could not open it. Meanwhile I contacted Amira and I am in touch with them to solve this issue. Yes, I can open this .MRC file via Fiji, but I experience issues when I save it as a .tiff or .raw file and I tried to open it with Amira again. Amira only recognises 1 slice. It would be nice to have a save as .tiff stack or image sequence from Chimera.
Also, could you tell me how one enters the voxel size and other information when one imports a file, please?
Another thing I was curious about is whether or not it is possible to specify memory allocation to process volume rendering for instance. I found Chimera very slow and it often displays errors while using the volume eraser and volume rendering at a number of 2, even if I process the volume at 16 it is still really slow.
Here are the specs of my machine: Desktop computer with Windows 7 Intel Xeon CPU X5550 @ 2.67 GHz 2.66 Ghz (2 processors) 48 Gigs of Ram 64 bit OS