Hi Dieter,
Obviously that preset works fine for all the test cases we have access to.  Could you use Help→Report A Bug to submit a bug report and attach the structure file that produces the crash?  That would help a lot.  Thx!


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Aug 2, 2019, at 11:15 AM, Dieter Blaas <dieter.blaas@meduniwien.ac.at> wrote:


  I have been using the Publication Preset 2 for making figures of a number of pdb structures without problems. However, I now have a pdb that shows up well in Chimera and does not have any obvious problems. However, when trying rendering it with the Preset Publication 2 (and only with this one) Chimera crashes with the error message below:

*** stack smashing detected +++: /home/blaas/.local/UCSF-Chimera64-1.10.2/bin/python2.7 terminated

Since I have prepared the other figures with this setting I'd like using it as well for the next figure but how?

Thanks a lot, best regards, Dieter

Dieter Blaas,
Max F. Perutz Laboratories
Medical University of Vienna,
Inst. Med. Biochem., Vienna Biocenter (VBC),
Dr. Bohr Gasse 9/3,
A-1030 Vienna, Austria,
Tel: 0043 1 4277 61630,
Fax: 0043 1 4277 9616,
e-mail: dieter.blaas@meduniwien.ac.at

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