I would like to render my files externally in POV-Ray, but I get error messages. As a test, I set the leucine zipper in wire mode and exported the file. I opened POV-Ray, turned on antialiasing and rendered at 640x480.

I immediately get the following:

Possible Parse Error: Could not find file 'transforms.inc'
File zipper.pov line 6

Parse Warning: Check that the file is in a directory specifed with a +L switch or 'Library_Path='
.INI item. Standard include files are in the include directory or folder. Please read your
documentation carefully.
File zipper.pov line 6

I cut the line “#include “transforms.inc” and rendered again, and I get a new set of parsing errors, which include a couple errant bracket symbols that I managed to fix, at which point I get:

Parse Error: Expected 'object or directive', undeclared identifier 'Axis_Rotate_Trans' found instead
File zipper.pov line 1322

So I cut the ending lines of the file:

 Axis_Rotate_Trans(<0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000>, 0.000000)
  translate <0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000>

Now the render works. I guess I should be happy with that, but I’m wondering what it was I cut from the file. Any help here?

