Dear Chimera,
This is the other common error which strangely appears to occur on my PC much more frequently than on my iMac – using the same mol2 file
From: Paul Buscemi []
Sent: Saturday, May 20, 2017 5:02 PM
To: BB
Subject: Input from Avogadro, solvation.
Dear Chimera,
Three basic questions:
I’m using Avogadro to construct my models and import as mol2 or pdb types. I often obtain messages as
or that the atom is not “listed” .
Is there a preparation I can use for transfer of models ? Alternatively do you suggest any other program to construct models ?
2) If I use Tools to solvate a model, should I use the “Start solvate tool” under MD and/or check “Periodic Boundary Conditions.
3) Im considering building a multicore system ( two 16 core Xeon’s) as a 64 bit system would Chimera take advantage of the multi-core system ?
Would the upgrade funds be better spent on memory ?
Paul Buscemi,