Dear Ms/Mr:
Thanks to your reply. 
In the last  mail, I ask for your help and I am appreciate your detailed description.
This is the content of last mail: 
"I meet a problem recently. Every proteins have N-terminations and C-terminations, and I want to measure the distance between all proteins at each other's N-C, N-N, and C-C terminals by using UCSF Chimera. But there are too many proteins for me to start.I've read Chimera's tutorials and searched my questions online. But I didn't find the answer I needed.Can you please give me some guidance or tips?"

Now I would like to add some new information and have two new questions I would like to consult you. I want to measure the end distances of many proteins within a model. Because there are so many proteins, it is not practical to measure them one by one. So I want to ask if you use the command line method to measure the distance of multiple proteins. 
In addition, I tried to follow your guidance and found that the measured atoms name showed -1, so I couldn't confirm which atom was the distance between them, and I am puzzled how I should change the name.


Looking forward to your reply.♥