Recently, I have found this cheap Acer laptop has alot of bang for the buck for under $600....the GPU is equivalent to GTX 1030...about 400 cuda cores and not too loud or hot. I converted it to Linux mint and added an additional 1TB SSD and it seems to
run Chimera and even small Amber jobs quietly.
For desk system that is still portable in small rollerbag but with a monster GPU you might consider building in this Fractal design case with a mini ITX gaming board ($1100 build minus the GPU and monitor). I actually run Titan Xp out of this and use a
full HD portable monitor screen by GeChic. Cabling was a bit tricky but not impossible
This whole system can fit in a mini roller bag or large briefcase and easily fit in airline overhead compartment....and pushes about 12 teraflops with the big GPU
Greg at RIT
On Jul 18, 2019, at 12:49 PM, Ilona Nudelman <> wrote:
I'm looking for an upgrade to my PC laptop (Windows) and wanted to ask if anyone has any advice on the configuration needed to run Chimera and ChimeraX with very large volumes and lots of heavy pdb's docked in. I am looking for a mobile workstation type laptop but I don't want to spend too much money - maybe 2,500-3,500$. Within these confines what memory, GPU, processor etc. would you recommend?
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