On Oct 31, 2007, at 3:44 AM, Ondrej Marsalek wrote:
i wanted to ask whether there are any plans to change the idle python shell in chimera for something else. i would be interested in something with completion and editable history, ideally ipython (http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/).
i tried to add ipython to the python embedded in chimera but did not succeed.
i will be grateful for any information or personal experience with this.
We didn't have any plans to change the shell, no. Looking at ipython, it seems quite nice and probably would be slightly better than Idle. Keep in mind that you can essentially get editable history in Idle by scrolling the window back to the command(s) you want to repeat, inserting the cursor after them, and hitting Return. That will insert those commands at the end of the Idle shell where you are free to edit them before hitting Return to execute. I'm going to put "adding ipython" to my to-do list, but it probably will take a while to get to since there are a lot of other features that need adding that seem to offer more "bang for the buck". Unless other people chime in about how adding it would be important to them... I know you tried to add ipython yourself, but if you want to try again you need to look at what we do with the Idle shell to get it to work in Chimera. Particularly the file <chimera installation>/share/ Idle/__init__.py (and ChimeraExtension.py in the same directory). There's some stuff in there to prevent quitting Idle from quitting Chimera, and to get output to stop going to the Reply Log and go to Idle instead (the pushReply() and popReply() calls). The ChimeraExtension.py is for getting Idle to show up in the Tools menu as described in one of the Programmer's Examples (http:// www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/ProgrammersGuide/Examples/index.html -- the "Working with the Chimera Extension Manager" example). --Eric Eric Pettersen UCSF Computer Graphics Lab pett@cgl.ucsf.edu http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu