Dear Chimera Help Desk,
I have a problem while running molecular docking on Chimera.
After running Tools --> Surface/Binding Analysis --> AutoDock Vina, I do not get the results from the docking analysis.
I get the regular name.receptor.pdb , name.receptor.pdbqt , name.ligand.pdb , name.ligand.pdbqt and name.conf  files, but the name file (the docking results) does not generate.

In the Reply Log I found this, which I assume is involved in the problem:

standard error

Unable to initialize environment because of error: cannot register event client. Only 99 event clients are allowed in the system
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Chimera 1.11.2\share\chimera\", line 179, in runStatusCB
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Chimera 1.11.2\share\WebServices\", line 171, in statusCB
    self.finishCB(self.backend, fileMap)
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Chimera 1.11.2\share\vina\", line 179, in _wsFinish
    raise NonChimeraError("No data file returned from "
NonChimeraError: No data file returned from AutoDock Vina web service

And I can't find how to solve this and get the results from the docking experiments I'm doing.
Can you please help me solve this problem?
Thank you in advance for your attention.
Arturo Estolano Cobián

Libre de virus.