Hi all, Using the unsupported headless linux x64 installer, chimera-1.10.2-linux_x86_64_osmesa.bin, I can run Chimera at the command line but am having a very difficult time running the RESTServer extension. Using my ~/.chimera/preferences file from my OS X install where a location for Extensions was selected in the preferences and saved, and copied to linux and edited to contain the /opt/UCSF/Chimera64-1.10.2/share location instead, it does open a bunch of packages on start, unlike before when it refused to load any extension. However, it still cannot start RESTServer. [root@dfw share]# chimera Package "DBPuppet" already exists and tool(s) in it will not be loaded [snip, for full output see http://pastebin.com/s3GH7mbz ]
start RESTServer Starting extension 'RESTServer' failed
As such, the one reason I wanted to run Chimera headless on linux does not seem to work. I know it's unsupported so I'm not expecting anything, but perhaps this is something that can be resolved simply. I've done a few fruitless google searches and this mailing list kept coming up. Thanks for your time, Tom