Dear Chimera X

Thank you very much for your kind answers.

I tried to find the distance between ligand(cluster14) and protein(TRP420) by referring to the tutorial, but I could not do it, so I contacted you.

Objective: To display the distance between cluster14 and TRP420(The area circled in yellow).
I chose cluster 14 and TRP420 (shift+ctrl+click)→tool →structure Analysis →distance
Refernece: Chimera tutorial
To measure distances: 
Select two atoms – press Shift + Control + Left click on the atoms in the graphics window >> 
・  Tools >> Structure Analysis >> Distances >> Create  - Distance reported in graphics and new window

But, error is shown.  How to solve this problem?


What else I tried.

combine ligand and protein(OSBP)→But, I couldn't display.


Kenji Matsui
 Graduate School of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
2-24-16, Nakamachi, Koganei-shi, Tokyo 184-8588, Japan