Hi There,
I hope you are doing very well. My name is Roksana Azad, I am a Ph.D. Student at the CUNY ASRC.
I have been working on building a full length model of my protein into a cryoEM map, I have models for individual domain but not for the full lenght structure. I am trying to join the domain models using chimera "join models" function, but unfortunately
it's not working for me. I tried everything I could find online about the issue, I used the
addh command and kssdssp commands and also tried joining them using other bond instead of C-N, however my button for "apply" always grey and I can't click on it (please see the screenshot attached).
I also tried this command "#0:127.A@C #1:1.A@N" according to my model # and atom, but its not selecting anything for me. I tried "combine"
it also didn't work.
Please let me know if there is something else I am missing or what else I can do to create this bond or connection between two models.
Thank you so much for your time and help in advance – very much appreciated.