Sort of related to this - any chance for symmetric depth cueing as an option in ChimeraX? So that instead of intensity falloff being linear from the front clip plane to the back clip plane, it is triangular - intensity linearly increasing from the front clip plane to the midpoint, then decreasing towards the back clip plane? This would be helpful when making closeup clipped images of models with maps, where fragments of regions in front of the region of interest can obscure the intended subject, which is somewhat distracting. Cheers Oli
On May 5, 2017, at 9:42 AM, Oliver Clarke <olibclarke@gmail.com> wrote:
I was wondering if you have thought about implementing depth-dependent gaussian blur as a depth cueing mechanism in ChimeraX?
The idea would be to blur the image in a manner dependent on the distance from the plane intersecting with the center of rotation, to mimick depth of field in a camera.
Mocked up in the attached using a tilt/shift effect, but without access to real depth information - I wonder if it might better convey depth information than distance-dependent changes in brightness/contrast under some circumstances?
Cheers Oli