Hi Pasquale, As Eric figured out, your mol2 file does not contain substructure information. For the structure to be read by Chimera as a series of residues, there would need to be residue information in each line in the @<TRIPOS>ATOM section and then a corresponding @<TRIPOS>SUBSTRUCTURE section at the bottom. You would have to edit that information into your file. Otherwise, the structure appears as one big residue. Mol2 format description: http://www.tripos.com/mol2/mol2_format8.html ATOM section - need substructure ID and name (residue number and name) for each atom http://www.tripos.com/mol2/mol2_format33.html#1370 SUBSTRUCTURE section - more information on those substructures (residues) To get an example mol2 file, open a PDB file of a protein in Chimera, add hydrogens if you want those in your example, and then write it out as Mol2 (File... Save Mol2...) I hope this helps, Elaine ----- Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. meng@cgl.ucsf.edu UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/home/meng/index.html On Jul 6, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Eric Pettersen wrote:
Hi Pasquale, If your structure all got put into a single residue named UNK, that typically means that your file was missing the @SUBSTRUCTURE section (http://www.tripos.com/mol2/mol2_format33.html#1370). There is an entry in our bug database (#3518) for better handling of files with missing @SUBSTRUCTURE sections. I will add your name to that report so you'll know when it gets fixed. For now, you will have to edit your file and add an @SUBSTRUCTURE section "by hand".
On Jul 6, 2007, at 8:54 AM, Pasquale Iacono wrote:
Hey Elaine, My structure is currently being labeled as one big residue (UNK) and when I minimize it it says it does not recognize the residue, so it seems like the calculation program is using residue parameters and not those for specific atoms. Also, my structure contains a Zn(II) metal center and I was wondering if the parm files would detect it as such if it actually used the atom types. I attached my mol2 file so you can check it out. Thanks -Pasquale Iacono