_______________________________________________On Sep 29, 2014, at 7:27 AM, Tony Lewis <t.lewis@ucl.ac.uk> wrote:Dear Chimera people,Many thanks to all Chimera contributors.
Please may I propose an addition to allow users to access our CATH domains in the same way that they can currently access SCOP domains ( https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/scop.html )?PDBs for CATH domains can be loaded from URI's of the form: http://data.cathdb.info/latest_release/pdb/1cukA01For information, CATH domain IDs contain 7 digits:
- 1-4 : (eg 1cuk ) : PDB code
- 5 : (eg A ) : chain code
- 6-7 : (eg 01 ) : 2-digit domain number ( '00' for whole chain domains )
We here at CATH would be very happy to provide any other information required to implement this.Hi Tony,I've added CATH fetching to Chimera and it will show up in the tonight's daily build. Look for builds dated September 27 or later. The above information was sufficient. Let me know if you find any rough edges. :-)--EricEric PettersenUCSF Computer Graphics Lab
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