Hello Chimera team,

I am seeking your assistance in automating the process of superimposing multiple pairs of structures using the command line. I've performed the MD simulation of the UBA domain (PDB ID - 1OQY), and for analyzing the structural changes, I've extracted the 11 structures from the trajectory at 500ns to 1000ns with steps of 50ns.

In total, I've 12 structures [1 reference structure (em.gro - energy minimized structure) and 11 extracted structures]. Now I want to superimpose each extracted structure w.r.t. em.gro and save the image of superimposition with the image name to be (time + rmsd_value). For the RMSD value, I'll have to save the reply log file (or the last 10-15 lines of the reply log) and then copy the rmsd value and save my image file with it.

Could you please give me an outline or references on how I can do this task? 

Thank you for your attention

