Dear Tuhin,
The script to perform the actions (your #1 or #2) could be written in
python or in Chimera commands. Just opening the python file (*.py) or
Chimera command file (*.com) in Chimera will execute it. The trickier
part would be how to automatically loop through your multiple
structures. You could write a long Chimera command script that
includes the names of the structures, or you could use a python script
that loops through a list of filenames. The methods can be combined;
for example, the python script could merely loop through the names and
open the structures, then open a separate Chimera command script. You
could also use a shell script to loop through filenames, but I guess
that would be slower because it would involve starting a new Chimera
for each input (#1) or set of inputs (#2). If that is easier for you,
however, it is reasonable.
Please see this previous posting for examples/discussion of Chimera
scripts for processing multiple structures, calling a script from
another script, and using aliases:
See also Chimera nogui mode:
I believe all the actions you want to perform can be done with Chimera
commands, for example
open /location/location/frame20.pdb
delete solvent & protein z>5
write format pdb relative 0 0 /location/location/frame20zone5.pdb
close 0
open /location/mystruct1.pdb
open /location/mystruct2.pdb
open /location/mystruct3.pdb
matchmaker #0 #1
matchmaker #0 #2
These are just possibilities out of several ways to perform the
tasks. For example, the top example assumes your structure is a
protein, and in the bottom example, you could use "match" instead of
"matchmaker" to superimpose structures.
I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
meng@cgl.ucsf.eduUCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco Nov 11, 2008, at 1:41 AM, wrote:
Dear All,
I have run several simulations. But, I need to analyse a selective
of structures from each simulation saved at a given time step "t".
for a 20ns simulation, starting t=0 and incrementing it by 50ps,
I'll have
~400 individual structures. Each structure is within a waterbox, which
contains approx. 20,000 water molecules. Once I get the structures,
I need
to do the following using CHIMERA:
1. Open each structure and save water molecules within a cutoff
distance of
5.0 Angstrom from the protein. Thus, I'll end-up having a shell
of water molecules around the protein. The saved structure will be
.pdb format and include the protein with 5.0A water shell.
I know how to do it in CHIMERA using the commandline option/
menu, but, how to do it for 400 structures. Is there a way to run it
in a "Batch Job" ?
2. I also need to superimpose Ca-Ca atoms of 400 structures. But, I
there is a limit to the no. of structures that CHIMERA could handle,
thus, at max. I would be superimposing 20-30 structures at a time.
could I automatize the same through a script sothat I could run it
Thanks in advance. Any suggestion(s) is welcomed.
Warm regards,
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