Hi Snoze,
I'm going to guess, like Elaine, that your purpose is to add partial charges.  If your 1000 compounds are in one big mol2 file, here is a script that would do the job:

from chimera import openModels, Molecule
from AddCharge import addNonstandardResCharges, estimateFormalCharge, ChargeError
mols = openModels.list(modelTypes=[Molecule])
log = open("errlog", "w")
for m in mols:
residues = m.residues
atoms = [a for r in residues for a in r.atoms]
fc = estimateFormalCharge(atoms)
addNonstandardResCharges(m.residues, fc)
except ChargeError:
print>>log, "Charge estimate (%d) or protonation wrong for %s (%s)" % (
fc, m.name, m.oslIdent())
from WriteMol2 import writeMol2
writeMol2(mols, "output.mol2")

If you save the above in a file named script.py and your 1000 compounds are in a file named input.mol2, then running:

chimera --nogui input.mol2 script.py

will produce a file named output.mol2 with the charges included.  Any problems it had charging particular compounds will be saved in a file named errlog.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Feb 1, 2008, at 10:36 AM, Elaine Meng wrote:

Hi Snoze,
One of the main  uses of the ZINC database is to generate ligand sets  
for DOCK; I believe you can download mol2 format directly from ZINC,  
and that the molecules already have hydrogens and charges.  See    

But maybe you wanted to use Antechamber inside of Chimera to get  
different charges.  If so, somebody else will have to answer the  
scripting part of your question!
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.                          meng@cgl.ucsf.edu
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Feb 1, 2008, at 9:47 AM, snoze pa wrote:

Dear Chimera Users,
 How can I use chimera in --nogui mode to screen 1000 compunds from  
ZINC database and save them in to mol2 format.
Is there any script so that I can convert preselected 1000 compound  
from ZINC database and convert them  t o mol2 format so that I can  
use them in DOCK program.
thanks in advance

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