Dear Chimera team who is always giving the best support,
I have a question regarding movie playing in power point and hope you can help.
I'm setting a power point presentation and want to play some movie (.avi MSMPEG-4v2), created in Chimera, in the presentation. The movie play fine; however, if I'm in the presenter view mode it does not play and gives me a black screen.
I tried to re-insert the movie, change the view size, put everything in the same place...but none of these solved the problem.
The funny thing is that other movies bigger in size can play fine in the presenter view mode. These have the same format (avi MSMPEG-4v2) and created using the same program.
Do you have any idea how to resolve this issue? Any advice is more than welcome.
Also, I noticed that sometimes the movie, that is known to be working fine, does not work for unknown reason.
Especially in the case of 2 movies in the same slide. Any tips to have two movies in the same slide to work in a more robust way is really appreciated.
Really appreciating your help, thanks;
Ibrahim M. Moustafa, Ph.D.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Dept.
201 Althouse Lab., University Park,
Pennsylvania State University
PA 16802
Tel. (814) 863-8703
Fax (814) 865-7927