Hi Oliver,
I have played with coloring volumetric (“solid” style) rendering in Chimera. Attached is an image of segmented bacteria in termite gut with the first, second and fourth panels showing colored volumetric rendering. This is from a project 5 years ago with Manfred Auer at LBL — here’s a poster that I took these images from
That capability didn’t make it into Chimera though (I thought it was a secret command called vmask, but in fact that is so secret it only resides on my machine). If you are into hacking Chimera Python code the underlying support to color volumetric rendering is there. If v is your Volume object you set v.mask_colors = a function that can modulate the colors for grid points. I’ll attach the code called I used to make the image below as an example. It uses a segmentation integer array the same size as the density map where different integer values correspond to different segmentation regions — then it assigns random colors to each region (preserving the transparency).