Thank you very much Elaine, I'll report it there then.

2012/12/19 Elaine Meng <>
It sounds like you are doing things correctly, but in my tests it works fine to change the angle. It cannot change the angle if the two bonds are in the same ring, but in that case, there should be a message on the dialog that says so.  The bonds must really be adjacent, but it sounds like you understood that part.

To report a problem, we suggest you use the Chimera menu: Help... Report a Bug. In the resulting dialog you could attach a session file (for example with your structure and the two bonds selected) or other input, and describe all steps needed to reproduce the problem. Also include your email address so we could respond.
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Dec 19, 2012, at 7:44 AM, oxi wrote:

> All right, I just realized this only happens to new structures, and sometimes too after deleting a whole molecule except for an atom...
> Is this normal behavior?
> 2012/12/19 oxi <>
> Hi, I'm new to Chimera
> Using 1.7 candidate build 37955
> When I select two adjacent bonds and adjust their relative angle in Tools->Build Structure->Adjust bond angles, nothing seems to actually change in the graphic view
> I tried selecting the 3 atoms involved afterwards and measure the angle, and it still reports the original angle, so I don't think it's a graphic glitch but the angle isn't actually being changed.
> Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong?
> Thanks