Dear Elaine Meng,

I tryed the surface option in different pdb files (also the 50S of E.coli) and always the same error (code 11- see attached). I also tried the different option of the webpage (Surface calculation failures and workaround).
I would like to have the surface structure of the chain 1 (25S of the yeast ribosome). Now I use the pdb file 3U5E and 3U5D. Please can you help me. Chimera is such a beautiful program and it always looks good, but in the most publication the surface structure is built up. 

Thank you

Best regards


Am 06.03.2014 um 19:20 schrieb Elaine Meng <>:

Dear Julian,
The surface failure is a numerical thing that may differ on different machines, and there is not a consistent recipe for how to solve the problem.  Please see this page on possible solutions, including showing some alternative types of surface instead of a "molecular" surface:


I hope this helps,
Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab (Chimera team) and Babbitt Lab
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of California, San Francisco

On Mar 4, 2014, at 3:31 AM, Julian Marzi <> wrote:

Dear Chimera,
I try to show the surface of the 60S in yeast (PDB: 3O5H), but it doesn't work. Mscalc returned code 11 is shown. If I split the 60S every chain show the surface except the first strain (25S). How can I show the surface from the first chain?
Thank you very much
Best regards
Julian Marzi