Dear Sirs, I would like to perform a MD simulation by UCSF Chimera. Should I wish to perform a 10 ns simulation (for example) how could I set the parameters related to time? For example in production a number of phase steps of 1000000 and a time step of 10 fs is OK? Does the relaxation time Nosé thermostat has effect on the overall simulation time? In simpler words if I set 1000000 steps, 10 fs time step, and I leave selected Nosè thermostat with 0.2 ps (but leave unselected the barostat option) will it correspond to a 10 ns MD simulation? Of course if I will publish using Chimera I will cite the program and the reference as indicated in Thank you in advance for your kind help. Kind regards, Giovanni _______________________________________________________ Dr. Giovanni N. Roviello, Ph.D. Researcher at Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini IBB - CNR; Via Mezzocannone 16; I-80134 Naples; Italy