Respected Sir


I am junior research fellow in India. I am working with Chimera.

I have a problem.

I can see my EM (cryo EM) density map using Chimera. I want to fit the X-Ray cryptographic map with this EM density map. But when I open these two maps in Chimera window, they are not same size.  X-Ray cryptographic map is smaller than EM density map. How can I make it same size?

Size of  EM density map is 48,48,48

Level  is .0564 ( at this level my EM density map is looking good)


I also see your tutorial “Working with Volume Data: Chaperonin”. There you suggest if 23.5 A chaperonin density map and 2.8 A is protein crystal structure then adjust map level to around 0.09.

How could you calculate this “map level” value? 

Resolution of my EM density map is 22A0 and resolution of crystal structure is 2.3 A0 . What is the “map level value”?  I can not increase my map lavel value more than 0.650.

Thanking you.

With regards

Somnath Dutta
















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