Hi Daojiong, There is no command for “Join Models”, but the Python equivalent isn’t too difficult. Let’s assume you’ve selected the C and N atoms by whatever means (and only those atoms), then this Python code would be the “Join Models” equivalent:
from chimera.selection import currentAtoms
a1, a2 = currentAtoms()
if a1.element.name == “C”:
c, n = a1, a2
c, n = a2, a1
length = 1.33
dihedral = 180.0
phi = -120
from BuildStructure import cnPeptideBond
cnPeptideBond(c, n, n, length, dihedral, phi=phi)
If you put the above Python code into a file whose name ends in .py, then you can run it simply by opening the file. So if you named the file peptide.py, then something like this:
sel something-that-selects-just-C-and-N
open peptide.py
I have attached the Python file because my mail program changes simple quotation marks into fancy ones that aren’t correct in Python.
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab