Dear Team Chimera, I am using Chimera software in Windows 7, 32 bit computer for viewing Swiss dock prediction results. But, when I try to select the residue or atom in model by using mouse and keyboard button (Ctrl+button 1), no selection is displayed, even hand like cursor seen on the graphics, I am also not able to see the residue or atoms labeling by putting cursor on model. For my confusion removal, I have downloaded and installed the software on another computer of Windows 7, 64 bit. But here also, the same problem persists. Please suggest to me, how to get rid of this problem? Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank You. *Regards,* *Dr. Abhay N. Srivastava* * M. Sc. (Chem.), Ph. D. Head & Asst. Professor,* * Department of Chemistry,* * NC-BRA Bihar University,* * Muzaffarpur-India.* * Contact: +91-9990576112*