Hi Daniil, I cannot reproduce this problem on my Mac using your exact attribute file with pdb 1gc1 (which has an L chain), and either today’s daily build or the 1.13 release. I can move the slider continuously so that the Value field in Render by Attribute shows float values, and type in any float value as well. I also tried it with a similar attribute file where I added more residues just so it was easier to see values on the histogram. Maybe it is something platform-specific. I recommend using menu: Help… Report a Bug (which will include info about the platform), say which PDB file you are using and attach an attribute assignment file that exhibits the problem. (and include your e-mail address if you want feedback on the bug report) Best, Elaine ----- Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D. UCSF Chimera(X) team Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry University of California, San Francisco
On Jul 11, 2019, at 2:58 PM, Daniil Prigozhin <DaniilPrigozhin@lbl.gov> wrote:
I am using the latest nightly build and in the Render/Select by attribute window the values in the Value box (defining the color scheme) are reported as integers and accept only integer input, when in fact the Attribute that I defined is a float, and shows up as a float. This does not happen with "native" attributes, only with the newly defined one. Is it a problem with the defattr function not determining/passing the data type correctly? I am pasting the top of the attribute deffinition file below. Many thanks,
- Daniil
attribute: shannonEntropy match mode: 1-to-1 recipient: residues #0:1.L 0.865 #0:2.L 0.743