Hi Claudio,
If you installed Chimera in the default location (/usr/local/chimera) then just typing "chimera" won't find the Chimera executable which is in /usr/local/chimera/bin.  You either need to:

1) Add /usr/local/chimera/bin to your shell's execution path; or
2) Type the full path (/usr/local/chimera/bin/chimera); or
3) Change directories to /usr/local/chimera/bin and type "./chimera"

I recommend (1) for any kind of long term use of Chimera!


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab


On Oct 11, 2009, at 6:57 AM, Claudio Saracini wrote:


I installed Chimera on my MacBook Pro with Unix OS (Ubuntu). When I try to run the program from the bash I get:

Bash: Chimera: Command not found

I'm a newbie of Linux. I guess I forgot to do something after having installed Chimera. I would appreciate your help.
