Thank you, and how can I get the value of volume in the point where marker is?

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Michał Kadlof <>

2017-11-16 19:17 GMT+01:00 Tom Goddard <>:
The Chimera getcrd command will report atom coordinates.  In Python code you can get the coordinates for atom a with a.coord or a.xformCoord if you want to include the viewing direction.

To specify a point in a density map you usually put a marker on it with the Volume Tracer.  A marker is actually and atom so getcrd works for that.


On Nov 16, 2017, at 3:36 AM, Michał Kadlof <> wrote:


1. is there any way to get the exact Cartesian coordinates of any atom directly in Chimera?

2. Is there any way to get exact value from exact place inside density volumetric data?

​best wishes​

Michał Kadlof <>

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