Hi Mario, This is a limitation. The solid style volume display is not exported by Chimera to povray. I think povray supports volumetric rendering http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/miscellaneous/df3/ but we do not export the needed data. I don't know if povray would be able to lessen the pixelation artifacts. They come from the volume data voxel size. You could minimize those artifacts by resampling your volume on a finer grid, displaying in Chimera, and using the non-povray Chimera image save. Here is some info about how to do that resampling in Chimera http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/tutorials/volumetour/volumetour.html#resampl... Those instructions talk about resampling on a rotated grid, but you can just leave the grid unrotated. Tom
I am trying to render an image that includes a difference map density displayed as a solid object. When I try to get the image directly from the screen it shows patterns of pixelation. I then tried POVRAY and the solid object data does not show up. Is there anything that I am missing?