We have been able to reproduce this behavior once, and it's open as bug report #3979.  It seems to be a very rare occurrence and we haven't had time yet to track down the cause.  If you could send a session that produces the problem for you, it would assist us in debugging and we would be able to verify that whatever fix we make also fixes the problem for you.  I'll add you to the recipient list for the bug report so that you will be notified of progress.


                        Eric Pettersen

                        UCSF Computer Graphics Lab



On Jun 7, 2007, at 6:32 AM, jean-francois menetret wrote:

I am trying to save images with the povray option using chimera2416, but the camera viewpoint is lower than the center of the scene, so that I just see the bottom of the scene.

Jean-François Ménétret,  PhD
Boston University School of Medicine
Physiology and Biophysics Department
700 Albany Street  W315
Boston, MA 02118
Email: menetret@bu.edu
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